Air Purifiers and Pet Birds – 3 Reasons a Purifier Can Help Keep Your Bird Healthy

Air Purifiers and Pet Birds – 3 Reasons a Purifier Can Help Keep Your Bird Healthy

If you have a pet bird it counts on you to do all you can to keep it healthy. A bird in captivity is often subject to many more pollutants and in greater quantities than one in the wild-pollutants such as household dust, dander from other pets, fumes from the kitchen, and if you have more than one bird-particulates from each other that have no way of dissipating from your air. Using an air purifier is a proactive and environmentally friendly way to help your bird live a long and healthy life. Here are 3 reasons why this is true.

Reduces Spread of Airborne Diseases-Many diseases and infections that birds are susceptible to are spread by viruses and bacteria. They often attach to larger pollutants that are airborne to travel from host to host. So having a lot of contaminants in the air such as bird dust, feathers, dander, and even dried feces that can become airborne increases the chances of the spread of some avian diseases from one bird to another, and with diseases like psittacosis can in some cases spread from birds to humans.Removing these particulates before they can be inhaled or ingested by your bird and you makes your bird room a healthier place to be.

Lessens the Chance of Respiratory Infections-Birds have very small lungs with 9 air sacs that extend into many bones including the humerus bone (between shoulder and elbow), femur (hip), vertebrae (back), and skull, which serves them well as long as the air is good. This efficient system of air distribution is also what causes them to be so susceptible to respiratory infections.  They are also able to take in more oxygen per breath than mammals which is great as long as the air is fresh. But if there are toxins in the air, they are affected quicker and to a greater degree than we are. Their systems make it imperative to keep the air fresh all the time, and 24 hour HEPA filtration means eliminating 99,997 out of 10,000 bacteria, viruses, and toxins and other airborne pollutants. Keeping the air clean will go a long way toward increasing your bird’s health and lifespan.

Increases Chances of Safe Breeding-In an environment where the air quality is high, birds tend to remain healthy which means they are able to produce eggs, and the eggs that they produce are generally of a better quality. This means their offspring will tend to be hardier, and a greater percentage will thrive because they are exposed to cleaner air with fewer pollutants.