How to Help a Cat and a Dog Get Along

Many people love both dogs and cats. They feel that they cannot have both pets in the home since usually dogs and cats do not get along. With the right socialization dogs and cats can live together in harmony. Here are some tips to help dogs and cats get along well.
- When bringing a cat or dog into the home with an existing pet, make sure there is room to give them some space. Until the pets get used to each other they may need to be kept apart. The animals should be kept separated for three days until they meet face to face. This will allow them to get the chance to know the smells and will allow the new pet to get used to their home.
- To help familiarize the animals with their smells, pet the dog and allow the cat to smell your hand. Do the same with the dog. Also change the rooms that the animals are kept in. Allow the dog to go into the room that the cat was kept in and the cat should go where the dog was staying. This will also give them a chance to know the smells. Once the animals have become familiar with their scent, allow them to look at each other under the door. They will be able to see each other, but will not be allow to run or attack each other.
- When introducing the animals make sure they are relaxed. If the cat runs away then it is not time for the introduction. Once the cat is calm; hold it. Another family member should bring the dog in the room on a leash. Allow them to look at each other and smell each other. Allow them to look and get close as well.
- Be sure to show each animal love and affection. Animals, like humans, can become jealous, and will compete for the attention of their owner. Both pets need to be loved and shown they do not have to compete for your attention.
- Even if the dog and the cat seem to be getting along it is important to keep them separate when no one is home. This will help prevent injuries. If the dog barks or the cat tries to play too rough redirect the behavior. Do not yell at the dog but divert their attention to another activity. Yelling can lead to a negative feeling associated with the cat. If the dog is well behaved around the cat be sure to praise them for this behavior. Sound very happy when doing the praise. This will help the dog associate positive feelings with the cat.
- Cats need their space. There should be some kind of item, such as, a cat tree where the cat can go when they want to get away from the dog. The dog should not be able to reach the cat. If the dog has the cat backed into a corner this is where attacks can happen. If the cat is able to get away from the dog then it will be fine and will not attack.
- When introducing cats and dogs together it is important to have realistic expectations. If one of the pets is used to being the only one in the home it will take some time to adjust to this new addition. When first introduced, the pets will be curious about each other and this new scent they are selling. Allow them to be curious while keeping a close eye on the situation. It is going to take some time for the pets to get used to each other before they get along and may even become friends. Both of the animals need to feel safe in order for this to happen.
- When having a cat and dog in the same home it is important to be patient. The cat may feel afraid of the dog and want to hide. Allow the cat to stay in their safe place. Slowly introduce the dog into the room. It is best to take things slowly so the pets can get used to each other and feel safe around each other. This will help them get along and live in the same home with peace.