Rottweiler – First Aid Helps
The Rottweiler is a robust and muscled animal that will generally keep good health and will easily live on for ten plus years provided he is given proper care and it has been bred according to proper breeding standards. However, Rottweiler health will be affected by some ailments if not feed the best Rottweiler diet with proper nutrition and regular immunizations and veterinary check ups are not adhered to.
Diseases and ailments such as inflammatory bowel, cancer and canine bloat are common to dogs in general. Canine bloat can be devastating. This disease can be hereditary or maybe cause by heavy exercise right before or right after eating and overeating. The stomach begins to twist causing outflow obstruction and interferes with blood flow. If your Rottweiler has symptoms such as absence of bowel movements with vomiting and belching take it to the vet immediately as canine bloat is a life threatening disease.
Common skin ailments include Pyroderma, which is an infection of the skin usually caused by staphylococci. This skin problem can be surface, superficial or deep and most dogs that have this ailment also have skin allergies. Bacterial Folliculitis, ringworm and mange are more examples of common skin problems for Rottweilers. Watch for excessive scratching, hair loss and dry skin and get professional help when necessary.
Along with disease specific symptoms, a Rottweiler will look sad, try to hide itself in some dark place, lie down more than usual, and does not willingly respond to call. A Rottweiler can become indifferent or excessively agitated even with people that are very close to it when it is not feeling well.
Hip dysplasia and other hereditary diseases and ailments may also require health care. And if surgery is ever needed the dangers of anesthesia are to be weighed against age and other factors to make important health decisions.
Good Rottweiler health depends upon a nutritious diet. Caloric intake should be based on activity level, just as in humans, and will vary at different stages in life. Dogs ten years old should be fed about six hundred to eight hundred calories, while dogs at one year old should get twelve hundred calories per day. Protein requirements stay the same throughout life for a dog and should be maintained at sixty grams per day. Preventing disease such as diabetes caused by overeating and gaining weight is easy with a proper diet.
You should feed your Rottweiler a high quality dog food with no fillers or preservatives. Making dog food yourself using cooked lean meats such as beef, chicken or lamb combined with a starch and vegetables lets you know your dog is getting the best possible diet. Look for recipes at the library or your favorite Rottweiler website to give your pet a long, healthy life.